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Summer 2009 |
Here's what's new...
And as Willie Mays would say: "There's more" ... The new 8th edition of Basics of Retaining Wall Design coming October 14th. This new edition is thoroughly revised and updated throughout, covers more topics, and adds more design examples. For more information and contents click here. And version 2007 users can bundle the new 8th. Edition with their upgrade order - both for $149 + s/h for book.. User survey resultsOur thanks to the nearly 400 of you who responded. Some results:
Requesting technical supportFree technical support is available free for version 9 and version 2007 users. Version 2007 is no longer available for purchase, but 2007 users can download when needed from www.retainpro.com/downloads.When emailing support@retainpro.com, describe your problem briefly and you must include your registration number (RP-xxxxxxx). If you have an urgent matter you can call us at 949-721-4099, and please give your phone number at the beginning of your message! Price increasesFor new users have had to increase our price to $495 from $395 for Single User, 4 activation, licenses, and an incremental increase for other options. We do not have an annual maintenance fee and offer free technical support.Technical TopicsNotes for version 9.0 . . .
We still get questions from version 2007 users asking why the "Use full stresses" checkbox was removed. The answer is that this applied to the half-stress option in UBC '97, which is now history. Use full stresses is the default. See IBC '09 Tables 1704.1,3 for inspection requirements. As with any major upgrade - and in spite of beta-testing - problems will be reported to us. We will fix these as quickly as possible and issue an update, identified as release 9.0x. You will be alerted to these by AutoUpdate to assure you are always current. Upgrades versus UpdatesThe former refers to a new version, such as Retain Pro 9.0 versus Retain Pro 2007, and the latter refers to a revision to a version, such as release 2007R. Revisions to Retain Pro 9 will be identified by 9.0x.Revised licensing terminologyRetain Pro 9 is offered in three license option, same as version 2007, but terminology is slightly changed:
Seeking consultantsWe're seeking a part-time consultant with extensive experience with design of segmental gravity and (MSE) retaining walls, for software testing, vendor relations, and technical support. We're also looking for a dedicated Retain Pro user for part-time consulting to assist with technical support and product testing. Good communicator! If interested, email me at hbrooks@retainpro.com iPhone usersYou can access tech support and our web site to read newsletters and user's forum posts. About these newslettersThis is our 14th quarterly newsletter to Retain Pro users, who now number over 4,000. We are gratified by the support you have given us in the many years since version 1.0 was introduced in 1984 - 15 years ago. We pledge to make your retaining wall designs easier, faster, code-compliant, with the features you want -- and to make Retain Pro one of your most productive tools!Access previous newslettersAll previous issues can be retrieved from our home page by clicking on NEWSLETTERS. There is valuable information in them, particularly the Technical Topics sections.The online User's ForumCheck this often (link on home page) for any bulletins or announcements we issue. Also post question and topics of general interest. (Technical support questions should be addressed to support@retainpro.com and not posted on this forum).Changed email address?It's the only way we have to contact you. Keep it updated at support@retainpro.com.New Suggestion Box ("SUGGESTIONS") is on our home page.This is for general comments and suggestions, and NOT for technical support, which should be addressed to support@retainpro.com.With best regards, Hugh Hugh Brooks, PE, SE Retain Pro Software 2007 Users: To order your upgrade to Retain Pro 9 from your current license for just $99 click HERE. Bundle your order with the new 8th. Edition of Basics of Retaining Wall Design for $149. plus s/h. ORDER NOW
You are receiving this email because you are a Retain Pro user or have downloaded a demo and asked to be on our email list. This email list is for our use only to provide you with information, but if you do not want to receive future copies just email me at hbrooks@retainpro.com and on the subject line type "Cancel", and don't forget to include your company name and email address where you received this.
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