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Fall 2010
Dear Colleague:

This quarterly newsletter (our 19th) is being sent to all current and past users for whom we have email addresses. Those who have not updated their email address for our database should do this at Others will be reading this from our posting on All previous newsletters can be read from the link on our home page - there's valuable technical information in each of them.

If you are not the intended recipient for this newsletter please change to the appropriate recipient's email address at -- and pass this along to the correct recipient.

In this Newsletter

Retain Pro 9 latest release

The latest release is 9.18 which is available via AutoUpdate (click YES when queried) or downloadable from Changes on this and previous releases can be viewed in Retain Pro 9 Advisor found on our home page.

California Building Code

For those in California, the new 2010 edition of the California Building Code (CBC-10) will become effective in California on January 1st. Changes to Retain Pro 9 due to this new edition will be implemented in release (9.19) which will be available via AutoUpdate to all Retain Pro 9 users shortly after 1/1/2011.

Still using version 2007 or earlier?

We no longer provide technical support or updates for these versions, but you can renew (upgrade) your license to Retain Pro 9 from any prior version for $195. This is a promotional offer valid until January 31st, 2011. In addition to numerous new features and enhancements (see List of Features at you will also have updates to the 2010 California Building Code.

Building codes now available online!

At last, due to a lawsuit making all mandatory codes accessible, the below site has all Califorian Building Codes available free in pdf format:

For IBC '09 errata and CBC '10 supplements go to:

Maintenance Plan notice

Some of you may have received an email notice that to continue receiving uninterrupted service you needed to renew your license by 1/1/2011. We apologize for this message which you can ignore. We do need to consider an annual maintenance plan for ongoing support after a certain period, but this message was premature. To stop this message download the latest release 9.18 from or use AutoUpdate on the tool bar. More on an upcoming maintenance plan will be in the next newsletter.

Does your building department have Retain Pro 9?

Remember that we offer a free Retain Pro 9 to any city, county, state, or federal agency using it for design reviews (no commercial use). If your building official or design review agency would like a copy, they can submit their request by clicking a tab on the Order Menu at This will help them review your design submittals -- and those submitted by others - and gives you one-up for acceptance of your submittal. Alert them to take advantage of this offer! To date over 300 agencies are using Retain Pro - most for design review.

Your company and the economy

Would you like to know how your peers are doing in this difficult economy? To find out, submit your choice from four questions on December Economy Survey which is posted on our home page. Click Submit, and then view the total response. It will be interesting!

You report it; we'll fix it.

Nearly all reports of glitches turn out to be misunderstandings of the program or erroneous entries. However, sometimes an astute user does find a problem that needs fixing. We appreciate being alerted and we will fix it as soon as possible with an update release. But we do ask that you be as specific as you can to help us validate. On occasion a user will simply email us something like this: "There's a bug in your program". But that's life in tech support:).

Technical Topics

To save time, here are the eight most frequent questions we receive, and our responses. These and more are on Tech FAQs at
  1. The title block on my report says "NOT AN AUTHORIZED COPY"
    This is because you have not created your title block. Click the Settings button in the toolbar to access the Global Settings window then click on Printing & Title Block. In the space provided enter your title block information making sure it meets the criteria specified below the entry fields. In release 9.07 and subsequent releases when clicking the PRINT button it will automatically take you to the title block screen if the title block is not valid. Once in the title block screen you will be required to create it properly.
  2. My reports have a watermark saying I have an "Unauthorized Copy".
    This is because you have not activated Retain Pro via the "Refreshed License to Name" button found on the Licensing tab on the Global Settings window accessed via the Settings button in the tool bar. The watermark on the report contains the instructions to follow.
  3. How do I manually activate Retain Pro?
    For instructions on manually activating Retain Pro, click here.
  4. On Retain Pro 9 there is no "Deactivate" button so I can free a computer for another install.
    Deactivation on a computer is automatic when you go to "All Programs > Retain Pro 9" and click on "Uninstall Retain Pro".
  5. When I press F1 (Quick Help) or try to access Help & Tutorials, nothing happens.
    On some computers a shut down and start up must be done to fix this problem. A simple "Restart" sometimes does not work. You need to turn off the computer then turn it back on.
  6. I receive an Access Denied message.
    This is a Windows 7 and Vista security feature that prevents users without access rights to access the folder where Retain Pro is installed. It's very easy to grant Retain Pro users the necessary rights and eliminate this message. Here are the instructions:
  7. How do I transfer prior projects (.rp5 files) and walls to Retain Pro 9?
    Instructions for doing this are on #11 on Tech FAQs at
  8. I can't activate from demo mode.
    See step-by-step instructions on Installation Procedures on our support page

Did we not respond to your email?

If we do not respond to your email within two business days please resend. We apologize with a large volume of email that some are inadvertently overlooked.

Suggestions or comments?

Send them to me at

With best wishes for your holidays, and for a much improved 2011,


Hugh Brooks, SE
Retain Pro Software

Remember: Until January 31st 2011 you can renew your license from any earlier version to Retain Pro 9 for $195. To order:

You are receiving this email because you are a Retain Pro user or have downloaded a demo and asked to be on our email list. This email list is for our use only to provide you with information, but if you do not want to receive future copies just email me at and on the subject line type "Cancel", and don't forget to include your company name and email address where you received this.

To order visit:

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