Design Parameters Tab
Retained Height: | Displays the retained height based on block coursing and geometry entered on the Block & Geogrid tab. |
Embedment: | Depth below grade (on the low side) to top of setting pad. Usually one block course or 1’-0”. |
Base Pad Depth: | Thickness of the base pad. |
Backfill Slope: | Select the backfill slope from the drop-down list box. |
Soil Density, Exterior (in-situ): | Enter the density of the native soil beyond the backfill zone and under the base. |
Soil Density, Interior (backfill): | Enter the density of the backfill material (typically granular soil or gravel). |
Soil Phi, Exterior (in-situ): | Enter the angle of internal friction of in-situ soil. |
Soil Phi, Interior (backfill): | Enter the angle of internal friction of the backfill soil. |
Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure: | Enter the allowable soil bearing pressure. |
Minimum Acceptable Factors of Safety: | Specify the minimum acceptable factors of safety for each of the different failure modes, or click the reset button to easily reset all values to defaults as per NCMA Table 5-2. |