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Renewing my MSP

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What happens when I renew my MSP?


When you renew your MSP, you will receive a new Product Control Code (PCC) by email, along with instructions for entering it into your software.  It is IMPORTANT to follow the instructions, because the new PCC contains all kinds of information about your license in a single encrypted string.  Most critically, it contains your newly updated expiration date.  


Without the proper PCC, the software does not have the correct expiration date for your MSP.  Without the correct expiration date for your MSP, the software cannot properly grant you access to all the features and functions that you should have access to.  For this reason, it is critically important that you follow the instructions and enter the new PCC into your software when you receive it.  



Do I need to reinstall after renewing MSP?


No.  After you paste in your new PCC, the program will continue to function properly, and it will recognize the latest enhancements.