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Last Project: Reopens the last Project File that was open on the current computer.


Recent Projects: Displays a list of the last Project Files that were opened on the current computer, from which one can be selected to open.


Pick Project: Displays a list of the last Project Files that were opened on the current computer, from which one can be selected to open.


Open Project: Displays a standard Windows file selection dialog.  Allows the user to navigate to a Project File location and select the file to open.  


Note:  Network drives are no longer a supported standard for the RetainPro File > Open dialog. RetainPro now makes use of a new feature called "Network Locations". These are the new standard in Microsoft Windows and are similar to mapped drives with the exception that no drive letter is allocated to these network locations. To setup a network location, click on Computer (or My Computer) and select the button named Add Network Location. If you are unable to locate the button, right-click anywhere in the white space on the window, and select "Add a network location" from the popup menu. Follow the wizard steps, and it will allow access to the network location directly from within the program.


New Project: Displays a standard Windows file creation dialog.  Allows the user to navigate to the desired location, name the Project File, and create it.


Save Project as New: Displays a standard Windows file save dialog.  Allows the user to navigate to the desired location, rename the Project File, and save it.


Close Project: When a calculation is open, this item offers the option to save any unsaved data and then closes the current calculation and returns to the Project Manager screen.  When a calculation is not open, this item closes the current Project File and remains on the Project Manager screen.


Print Setup: Displays a dialog to select the printer to use and control other print settings.


Create DXF: Displays a standard Windows file creation dialog.  Allows the user to navigate to the desired location, name the DXF, and save it.


Display Project Assistant:  Displays the Project Assistant from which a different file can be selected for editing.


Exit: When a calculation is open, this item offers the option to save any unsaved data and then closes the current calculation and exits the program.  When a calculation is not open, this item immediately exits the program.





General: Displays the General settings tab, which is used to specify Project File location and database file location.


Printing & Title Block:  Displays the Printing & Title Block tab, which is used to create the title block and select a log file.


Engineer's Stamp: Displays the Professional Engineer's Stamp tab, which is used to select a  graphic file containing the Engineer's seal.


Web Update: Displays the Web Update tab, which is used to toggle the check for  Web Updates, and can also be used to check for updates on demand.


Default Values: (Only accessible from within a calculation.)  Displays the Default Values Control dialog, which offers three options:


Save - Saves all user input in the current calculation as defaults (to be used by all other calculation modules.

Load - Loads the stored default values for all user input into the current calculation module.  

Reset - Resets the stored default values for all user input to the original system default values, and populates the user input for the current calculation with those values.


User Information: Displays the User Information tab, which stores information about the current computer user.


Utilities: This selection provides items that are mostly used for support and maintenance of the software. At the time of this documentation writing, the only Utility item available is to start a process of registering components used by RetainPro with the operating system.





Calculator: Displays a full-function Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator for use with intermediate calculations.


Block & Geogrid Editor:  Displays the Block & Geogrid Editor where the user can edit the database containing segmental retaining wall block and geogrid data.





Software Activation: Displays the Product License Control tab and allows activation and deactivation of the software.


View List of Activated Computers: Displays a list of currently activated users and offers a method of selectively deactivating other users.


Web Update Settings: Displays the Web Update tab, which is used to toggle the check for  Web Updates, and can also be used to check for updates on demand.


License Agreement: Displays the most current version of the ENERCALC Software License Agreement.





Dynamic Help: Displays the Help system files that reside on the current computer.


Download PDF Docs: Downloads and displays the latest Help system content in PDF format.


Web Help Page (most up-to-date):  Opens the latest Help system content in web browser format.


Create Tech Support EMAIL: Displays a form that can be populated and used to create a tech support email with your email program.


Create Tech Support FAX: Displays a form that can be populated and used to create a tech support fax.


FAQ Page (web): Displays the FAQ web page using your web browser.


Check for Updates: Initiates a check for updates.  If no newer build is available, a message will indicate that the most current build is already installed.  If a newer build is available, this offers the option to download and install it.


Enhancement/Change History: Displays a complete history of enhancements and changes.


Licensing: Displays the Product License Control tab and allows activation and deactivation of the software.


About: Displays information about the software installation such as Licensed User Name, License Number, Build Number, etc.