Design Sequence Tabs

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Design Sequence Tabs

The tabs across the top of the screen are referred to as the Design Sequence Tabs.


You will use them in sequence—left to right—as you proceed with your design (An exception is the Calc Info tab at right. It will contain the Wall Specific Information you entered earlier, or you can change it here.


Each of these tabs will be described later, but here is a brief description of each:


Calc Info: collects information such as job title, job number, date (click today if appropriate).  Select building code.  


View: This tab does not appear on all wall types, and when it does, its use is may prefer to skip right to the General tab to start entering your data. If you do choose to enter data on the View tab, the associated graphic will not change as you enter data, however, the Construction Drawing (tab on right side of screen) will reflect your changes. Your input on this screen will be automatically placed in the appropriate input fields on the subsequent tabs, ready for you to proceed with your design.


General: collects basic wall geometry, soil values, and certain design assumptions.


Loads: collects the data required to define the applicable vertical and lateral loads, and the seismic design criteria, if applicable.


Stem: collects the data required to define the stem geometry, reinforcing, and design heights.  The specific pieces of data that are collected on the Stem tab will vary depending upon the type of wall that has been selected (Cantilevered, Restrained, Segmental, Soldier Pile, Tapered, Gravity, or Gabion).


Footing: collects the data required to define the footing geometry and reinforcing, and the key geometry and reinforcing if one is present. This is also where certain design decisions can be made regarding how the program handles the sliding calculations.


Load Factors: allows the code-specified load factors to be reviewed and edited if necessary.



The following tabs and sub-tabs appear on the right side of the screen:



 Summary:        Displays the basic design results.

 Resisting:        Provides tabular listing of resisting forces.

 Overturning:        Provides tabular listing of overturning forces.

 Tilt:                Calculates horizontal displacement at top of wall due to soil compressibility.


Construction:Displays a scale drawing using the data that has been entered.


Wall Loading:Graphically displays the forces on the wall.


Diagrams:Shows applied and resisting moment and shear curves.


Each of the above items will be described in more detail later in the manual.